World Water Day Virtual 5K 2020


Why do I have to run?

Join the Caribbean Water & Wastewater Association (CWWA) Trinidad & Tobago National Section as we virtually come together to raise awareness for climate change and the prolonged effects of our harsh dry season. World Rivers Day is an annual UN observance day that celebrates the world’s waterways. The day is used to advocate for the sustainable management of our freshwater resources.

Rivers are the arteries of our planet; they are lifelines in the truest sense.” – Mark Angelo   

Unique Water Themed medal for all finishers.


Proudly sponsored by Qualitech Machining Services Limited, New Wave Marketing Limited, Southex Event Management Company and Print-a-Pak Limited. 

Unique Water Themed medal for all by simply completing the 5K distance.

$1000 Cash prize for largest group registered!




Where  do I have to run?


What do I have to run?

A minimum of 5 Kilometers

When do I have to run?

Anytime before the deadline of Sunday, September 27th, 2020 (World Rivers Day!)

Team Registration

Registering a crew or large Team? No problem! Email a spreadsheet with their full name, sex, date of birth, email address and contact number to and we will send you a direct payment link. QUICK & EASY!


No Credit Card? No problem

Feel free to visit your nearest WiPay Partner to purchase a TopUp Voucher matching the cost of the race registration fee.

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Billing details

Your order

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Order Total US$0.00
  • Pay via PayPal.

Participant(s) Information