TTAEE Virtual 5K 2024



Participate in the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Energy Engineers (TTAEE)  Virtual 5K

Run for sustainability, energy efficiency and renewable energy!

Use the provided app to run, walk or hike a minimum distance of 5K (3.1 mi) wherever you like to complete the virtual challenge

Join the globe in supporting the TTAEE with your virtual race participation!

(Participation in this virtual does not include a medal)

Event hashtags for use when sharing photos on social media: #bafasports #AEE #TTAEE

No Credit Card? No problem

Pay via online bank transfer, cash on pickup (included below) or register in person at:

Trinebox, Port of Spain
#10-12 Borde Street, Port of Spain.
Tel: (868) 484-BAFA (WhatsApp File:WhatsApp icon.png - Wikimedia CommonsONLY)
Mon – Fri 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
(Ask for Luna)


Where to run, walk or hike?

Walk, run or hike, wherever you like! Savannah, Lady Chancellor, in your neighborhood, etc…

What distance to run, walk or hike?

You must complete a minimum of 5K (3.1 mi).

How do I track my run?

When you sign up, we will provide you with an easy to install app that will track the distance with your smartphone.

In stock

Billing details

Your order

Cart Subtotal US$0.00
Order Total US$0.00
  • Make this payment using your MasterCard® or VISA® Credit/Debit Card through the WiPay™ Secure Online Gateway.

Participant(s) Information