Scholar Run 5K



Come Join in on the 2nd Annual Scholar Fund 5K Run/Walk on January 21st, 2023 to earn their glorious Sports club logo themed medal.

Come prepared to win as there are $5000.00 in cash prizes to be won!

Date: Saturday, January 21st , 2023
Time: 6:00 a.m.

Starting Location: Block 7 Palmiste


No Credit Card? No problem

Pay via online bank transfer, cash on pickup (included below) or register in person at:

Trinebox, Port of Spain
#10-12 Borde Street, Port of Spain.
Tel: (868) 484-BAFA (WhatsApp File:WhatsApp icon.png - Wikimedia CommonsONLY)
Mon – Fri 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
(Ask for Luna)

Event hashtags for use when sharing photos on social media: #bafasports #scholarfund5k #buildingstudentathletes #premiersportsclub


Where to run/walk?

Starting at the Skinner Park Savannah, proceed up on to the highway to Republic Bank then back to Skinner Park.

What distance to run/walk?

You must complete a distance of 5km (3.1 mi).

How do I collect my medal?

Medals available for collection immediately after the run.

How do I track my run?

When you sign up, we will provide you with an easy to install app that will track the distance with your smartphone.

Team Registration

Registering a crew, school or large team/family? No problem! Email their full name, sex, date of birth, email address and contact number to and we will send you a direct payment link. QUICK & EASY!


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  • Pay via PayPal.

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