Rosewood Tigers Virtual 5K


Why do I have to run?

Help the Rosewood Tigers Cheerleading Team raise funds to participate in National Competitions

Where to run/walk?
Literally Anywhere! Savannah, Lady Chancellor, in your neighborhood, Just do it safely.

What distance to run/walk?
You must run or walk at least 5 kilometres – at your own pace and timing.

Anytime before the extended deadline of July 31st, 2023

How do I collect my medal?
There are collection locations available in North, South, East, Central and Tobago.

How do I track my run?
When you sign up, we will provide you with an easy to install app that will track the distance with your smartphone.

How do I show my support on Social Media?

Post your pictures with the following hashtags: #RosewoodTigers, #liveactive and #bafasports to show your support for the cause.


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