End Polio Now Virtual 5K


Original Price (TTD $120.00)

We are this close! Proceeds from this virtual edition of the “End Polio Now” 5K go to Rotary International’s continued Polio Eradication efforts.

No Credit Card? No problem

Pay via online bank transfer, cash on pickup (included below) or register in person at:

Trinebox, Port of Spain
#10-12 Borde Street, Port of Spain.
Tel: (868) 484-BAFA (WhatsApp File:WhatsApp icon.png - Wikimedia CommonsONLY)
Mon – Fri 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
(Ask for Luna)

Event hashtags for use when sharing photos on social media: #bafasports #endpolionow #rotary


Where to run/walk?

Walk, run or hike, wherever you like! Savannah, Lady Chancellor, in your neighborhood, etc…

What distance to run/walk?

You must complete a minimum of 5K (3.1 mi). You have 30 days to complete the distance from your sign up date.

How do I collect my medal?

Medals available for collection immediately at locations in North, South, East, Central and Tobago.

How do I track my run?

When you sign up, we will provide you with an easy to install app that will track the distance with your smartphone or smartwatch.

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  • Pay via PayPal.

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